Are you a Coach looking for a Mentor?
Team MPI was established on the principle of collaborative learning. As a co-founder alongside John Murray, I quickly recognized the value of our partnership for validation and exploration in coaching techniques, strategies, and overall coaching intelligence.
My significant growth began when I encountered other coaches with experience in training larger and more diverse groups of athletes. Engaging with these mentors provided me the opportunity to develop my own coaching process and culture.
Now, with extensive experience coaching individuals ranging from beginners to elite athletes in endurance sports, I continue to pursue collaboration with fellow coaches. This commitment stems from my belief that collaboration is an exceptional avenue for learning.
Therefore, if you choose to undertake a mentorship with me - regardless of its duration - you can expect my full dedication to the process, as I will learn just as much in return.
So reach out and let's set up a time to meet or chat on the phone or video conference and see if this is something you'd like to do.
Possible topics may include (but are not limited to):
​​New Data Tracking Techniques
Coaching Elite Athletes
Creating Camps & Clinics
Swim, Bike, Run Coaching​
Running your coaching business
Marketing your services
Improving your coaching process
Coaching diverse population
Mentorship can range from a single one-hour session to recurring meetings over a season, with as many sessions as you wish, focusing on topics that interest you.

1 Hour $100
3 Hours $250
10 Hours $700
Mission for Coaches:
To build a community of coaches working in a collaborative and supportive environment to learn, teach and share knowledge in the rewarding profession of endurance coaching.